December 13, 2011

Happy Holidays 2011

In our house our holidays start off on Black Friday waking up at the crack of dawn to get the best doorbuster deals and putting up all of our Christmas decorations. This year we skipped out on the black friday deals because we didnt have the money to get the BIG screen tv or the Samsung Galaxy Tablet Instead we are focusing all of our time and attention on making santa a reality for our 2 yr old. This year was Jaidons first time he was able to help put up decorations and decorate the tree. As well as sitting on the floor pulling everything out of the boxes making a complete mess especially with the TINSLE!!! Next will be the exciting part for us because we get to go get all the gifts this weekend. Jaidons been asking Santa for a bike, so I guess we have to see if he was a good boy or not. Holidays are also the time we share with our family eating, exchanging gifts, stories, and laughter. The best part of it all is seeing all the kids get excited about all the gifts they got and the memories that last a lifetime! Share, enjoy, contrbiute, and have a very Happy Holiday!!

1 comment:

JJ said...

Love your story! The funniest part is where Jaidon so eager to help and makes a mess. LOL! And the greatest part is to see the kids excitement and happiness opening the kids. Happy Holidays!